Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Before i go

I'm sitting on my sofa, trying not to sleep because i've got a flight in the morning. I'll confess i dont know how long the flight is, i've done minimal research for this entire trip. To be honest i dont want to know a whole lot going in to it. I want everything to be brand new that way every day will be a brand new adventure. From the food i'm going to eat, to the people i'm going to meet and i swear i didn't mean for that to rhyme. I'm kind of scared right now, new things are always scary but i'm also really excited because this is my chance. the other day my friend Matt told me that this is my oppurtunity to shine. I'm taking that to heart and making every moment of this trip abroad all about growth and experience, and following my heart. Over-dramatic? yes i just might be, but i feel like i'm on the cusp of something really big, ive never been outside of America before so this is huge! so this is the start of my journey, and i can't wait to get started!


  1. Hi Jess:
    i have just been reading your blogs and i am glad you are having a good time. I know at times it may be a little scary but nteresting as well. Just remember we all have you in our prayers and are so proud of your accomplishments so far. We really enjoyed you at the wedding and i will keep in touch. We are now preparing for my daughter renees wedding on the 26th. well i will check with you later. Love you and take care
    aunt judy

  2. I think thats actually really smart. Not knowing anything means you have few expectations! thats much better than walking into the country/experience with an idea of what you want everything to be like. I have that problem.. I feel like I should know what I want and what I should do..etc. this is a chance to do something completely new! so I think its okay to have limited knowledge/expectations.

    Im so glad youre here with me!
