Monday, September 14, 2009

Two church services....better then one?

Sunday was mass day. I woke up, put on my Sunday best, which was a pair of capris and Phillips Patagonia jacket...and set off in the rain for church. As i was waiting for my partner in crime Sara to show up, the rain started pouring and a nice gentleman selling umbrellas finally coerced me into buying one. Everyone entering the church stopped and pleaded with me to go in and save my mortal soul...(they didn't say it like that but the way they kindly took my hand and advised me to go to church with them said it all)
Finally i gave up on Sarah, and walked into Mass. She eventually showed and up and i enjoyed teh service, i always like how Priests give shorter sermons. The service was 1 hour long, and their were a majority of africans, from Nigeria and elsewhere in attendance. Most of the Turks were observers only and stood in the back like tourists. We left that church and went to see another church. it was a nondenominational Dutch chruch and we had planned on sitting through this service too, but right about then i started jonesin' for a cup of coffee and we had to get my fix at the starbucks across the way. Overall the day turned out to be nondescript, except we met some friends at a cafe for beers and chatted about a range of subjects, from the problem with religion to the new disney princess movie coming to theatres in december.
I have a confession about the food. Here i am living in the land of meat for every meal except maybe breakfast, and i can't eat another bite of meat. Part of it is probably because Sara calls it "charred flesh" which always brings up WWII Pearl Harbor images for me, but the other part is the fact that i dont like lamb as much as i once thought. It was such a glamorous food to me and now, the very smell makes me gag a little. So now i eat breads, and pastas, and yougurts, and plenty of carbs, not to mention i have a jar of nutella in my dorm room for no reason whatsoever.
No one should ever worry about me not getting enough to eat, because i do, i'll have plenty of fat stored up for the winter by the time i get home.
Back to the Church services, i enjoyed them, plus there is something so calming about the church environment, its one place where you dont have to constantly have your guard up and you can just talk to God. And the Building is so beautiful and ancient i can almost picture Latin Mass services taking place in the time of Constantine. The stained glass windows depict every aspect of Jesus's life and i must say, in this area of the world, where Paul actually traversed in his day...makes me feel that much closer not only to the words in the Bible, but closer to Religion all together....but more on that later, for now... the Nutella
catch ya later!

1 comment:

  1. Baby, sister, I totally agree with you about the lamb. That's why I traded my lamb for Will's beef at the wedding. I took one bite and I was back in Iraq, surrounded by stinky people offering me handfulls of greasy, fatty lamb. I'm scarred for life.
