Thursday, December 10, 2009

is it too late to apologize

My darling readers
lately i have been negligent and remiss in my blogging duties
for that i sincerely apologize...again
in my own defense, i've been very busy not doing homework and not writing papers for class, which has given me minimal time on the computer and thus less access to my blog.

But now i shall let you in on a little secret frustration i have with Turkey because it is only fair that i tell you the ups and downs right?

I have come to observe that many (not all) Turkish people do not like to be inconvienced in any way...whether driving, waiting in line,shopping, or sitting in class-- they do not like for things to be inconvienent for themselves. That being said...the irony is that they could care less whether by making things convenient for themselves they inconvienence someone else...

I've noticed this more and more often as i go through everyday life here.

For example, at the police station i waited patiently in line for 25 minutes, just standing in soon as i reached the counter a young lady and her mother came rushing into the room and elbowed in front of me and spoke quickly in Turkish to the officer...i dont speak Turkish so what could i do but give an evil glare and resign myself to wait....but no...the man behind me in line was so upset about this that he started yelling and hollering and raising hell until the officer had to be distracted from what he was doing to calm the man down, explain the situation and promise to get to him next...

so at this point i'm now in line behind two rude people and all of us have to wait another 20 extra minutes because of 2 peoples impatience...whereas simply abiding by the rules of the line would have gotten everyone through quicker right? logic dictates this idea

In class the professor gives us the option of making our own class time, later in the day preferably because no one wants to be in class at 10 am..

We are almost at an agreement for thursday at 4pm when one boy insists he cannot do this because he doesn't like late classes...he refuses to change his mind so we end up stuck with class at 10 am every thursday!

One guy's dislike for late classes overrides 15 people who agree on their dislike for 10am classes.

but that is my only complaint for the day...i apologize if i have offended any one i sincerely do not mean to imply Turkish people are generally contraire...most of them are so welcoming and warm that i've felt guilty accepting their hospitality...

i'm just saying.....sometimes life doesn't work out the way you like it to...when life gives you lemons you make lemonade and if you dont like lemonade then give the lemons back politely and say "no, thank you".


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